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What's stopping you to be a Giver? Giving: The Key to Blessings

By: Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy

Spiritual Revolution is one of those Kingdom Revolutions that we are waging against the forces of the enemy, against the forces of darkness, although the head of this unrighteousness –Satan Lucifer the devil, in this ministry was vanquished when I was in that mountain, trying to hinder me.

For five years, I was there, it would have taken much more than that, if he were able to somehow make me fall into something, or make me stubborn in some ways that He can again insert the serpent seed of disobedience against the Father’s will.

But, I thank the Father that in those five years, I was totally obedient. I have made a decision through my freedom of choice not to even in my mind, not even one thought of disobeying the Father. So, it took only five years for the Father to be able to reveal all these things to me.

My brothers and sisters, spiritual revolution is being waged right now. That’s why we see so many, many Kingdom Citizens that are being born into the Kingdom Nation every time we have the schedule of mass baptism. You see that on videos. Wherever we go, wherever I go, this people have not met me, this people have not really known me personally, but as I said, it is not a personal business, it is the Father’s spiritual business.
So, my spirit and the spirit of these children sons and daughters, who have lain in their grave of sins for this long time are now waking up, and are now being resurrected into the new life of obedience to the Father’s will, being enlightened of the Son, which is the Father’s Audible Voice in these last days.
With this, my brothers and sisters, there is also this other revolution that the Father wanted us to have because it cannot be separated from the first one which is one of the most important things that we have to know. And side by side, with this revolution in the spirit, which is overthrowing with the spirit of disobedience against the Father’s will. And at the same time, the enthroning of the Father’s will. That’s why, it is a revolution because there is a radical change that happens within the spirit of man, that there this is this great spiritual battle that happens from within us and started with me.
I totally sided with the spirit of the Father, so that Satan Lucifer the devil’s hold on the fallen Adamic race that the Father has created for himself was free, and he sets me free and through my own freedom of choice, I have decided to follow the Father’s will no matter what. So that, that was a spiritual success that cannot be had without the Father’s guidance and without the Father’s protection upon someone like me whom He has called.
And I know those were ahead of me in the Church Age, were also called but they were hindered somehow because I knew the process. I knew that every inch of the way, Satan is going to take His utmost best to really hinder you, deceive you and get you out of the way, so that, any revelation that will become a reality and a fulfilment in real life; for the truth of the fulfilment of the word of God that is only written on paper.
Satan will really, really hinder that. He will not give you an inch. He will make life very, very hard for you, that in the end he will be able to weaken you and he will be able to slow you down and he will be able to somehow demoralize you and just give up the spiritual fight and say, “That’s it! I’m contented with what we have right now.” But in my case my brothers and sisters, I did not do that. I’d rather die, than not receive the whole of those revelations.
As long as the Father kept me into that mountain, I will stay there. I have decided to stay there, until the Father would have done the things that he would have to do to make me understand all of these spiritual things before, who in our mind, was like a mystery.
And I thank the father that through this enlightenment, I also enlightening the whole world. Side by side with this revolution, from this spiritual revolution, is also the Father’s will for us to be able to live abundantly according to his promise. And this is one of the hurdles in the Father’s business here on this earth because of the preconceived ideas that went against the words of the Father.
Like for example in the Godhead, you have to set the enlightenment that came from the Father to the minds of these people who have been blinded, not only blinded but thickly blinded by darkness, that you have to really bound on the door of deception so hard that you have to break it. Or else, this people, you would be talking plainly to them but they seem not to hear you. And I understand the sentiment of the Almighty Father when He said,“This people have ears but they cannot hear, they have eyes but they cannot see.” You speak to them clearly, but they do not understand it because of this darkness and deception that once upon a time, have covered them completely and totally. One of this is Financial Revolution message.
And what are we up against to when the Father reveal this to us, this preconceived ideas that poverty is a virtue? Poverty is a virtue, is one of the false doctrines that we have to be set up against and to destroy and to break, which is one of the strongholds of the deception of the enemy.
Why? –Because the Father’s blessings and the Father’s promises of blessings are clearly stated in the Scriptures, not only in the Old Testament but in the New Testament.
Let’s look at Matthew 6:33. Spiritual and financial revolution, both hand in hand. They are Siamese twins when it comes to receiving blessings from the Almighty Father. Look at the two parts of Matthew 6:33,
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;”
That’s one part, that is spiritual revolution, and then the other one is, “And all these things shall be added unto you.” That’s Financial Revolution. So, the first part, “seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and then the second part is, “All these things shall be added unto you.” Financial Revolution and Spiritual Revolution are as I said Siamese twins that cannot be separated.
When there is spiritual revolution, it cannot be but there should be financial that will go with it, because the Father created this material earth for us to enjoy and for us to be used in propagating the Father’s righteousness on this earth today. Even if Satan was not able to deceive Adam and Eve, there would still be a production of abundance in this material earth the Father has created. And there would still be the multiplication of human beings without the presence of the serpent seed or without the spirit of disobedience within them. It was not solved because he was deceived, but other than this, the Father still continues to do His perfect will, according to the first original plan. That man would live in abundance that’s why, there was Garden of Eden first before man was put into it, and he was just there to do the Father’s will, tend the garden, don’t worry about anything, physical, material, financial things, gold just flow in the garden.
Everything that they need was there and the Father would like us to go back to that original plan of His creation, where we would dwell in unity with Him and in unity within amongst ourselves. That’s why there is the, “Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and there is this love your neighbor as yourself.”
These two commandments obeyed without the serpent seed, this world has not need nuclear, atomic bombs, don’t need of weapons of mass destruction in order for us to have this and to have as they say the balance of power, the defender to your power where the mutual destruction is assured for everyone that’s why they just stalemated and they keep the piece of that. That should be, there should be nothing of that, there should be a complete total peace with our creator and with us His creation, even though we propagated the billions, we would still be in one mind and in one set of that mind would be loving our Almighty Creator, our Father Almighty with all of our hearts, with all of our soul, with all of our strength and then loving our neighbors as ourselves.
That neighbor might be your mother, father, your relatives or strangers that you haven’t met before, but the spirit that the Father has placed in there would continue not only in you but in other individuals as well. But that was polluted, that was diluted, that was adulterated by the serpent seed of Satan Lucifer the devil, that’s why we are here today. But the Father would redirect us and give us to the original plan once again, because it is His perfect will.
Beginning with me as an appointed son, the Father made me understand that all of these creations He has, the material, physical earth, were created to be under the dominion of His masterpiece creation, which is the human being.
And now, that we are back into the Father’s plan, this plan originally that we will live abundantly according to His will when you become sons and daughters according to His will, all of these blessings will be given and will be under our dominion. So Matthew 6:33 is a complete picture of that, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…”
And what we have done is so that these Scriptures will be fulfilled was what is the Kingdom of God, what is the Father’s righteousness? The Kingdom of God is the Father’s rule over man, not only knowing Him as the savior, but also as the king that gives us spiritual laws whereby we can abide with Him in peace and unity and within ourselves with peace and unity.
So we found it and because we have been part of the fallen adamic race, we have to repent, we have to come back to Him, we have to surrender our serpent seed who made a God out of us and go back to the Father’s perfect plan.
And what is His righteousness? His righteousness that is implanted within us is the spirit of obedience to the Father’s will, and He said, “All this things will be added into you.”–Financial Revolution.
Remember my brothers and sisters, that there is a complete package of blessings in store for us by the Almighty Father. Remember this in 3 John 1:2.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, that’s Financial and Material blessings. And be in health, that’s Physical even as thy soul prospereth, that’s Spiritual. That’s complete. That is fusing the material and the spiritual together.
Where as in times pass before, we have known full revelations of the truth about this. It has been thought that you cannot be wealthy, you cannot be abundant and live in harmony with the spiritual. You cannot go to heaven if you are rich, but you know on the other hand that is true because riches without God if it is not coming from the Father Almighty, is evil.
That’s why you can see evil people outside of the kingdom who have not repented who are unrepented, and who don’t even know the Father Almighty. Why are they being blessed? They are thieves, they are scammers, they are everything especially in business; they are manipulators, they are deceivers.
But why do they succeed? Why do they become financially prosperous? That is the danger of it because even the devil as long as your connected with him, he can bless you. The devil can make you rich, can make you poor according to him because he was able to sabotage the original plan of the Father and hijacked His plan and made his plan. Instead of the Father as the head of it, is now Satan Lucifer the devil as the head of all material and financial blessings that is designated for man.
He is the one now holding on it. That’s why when he tempted Jesus Christ, he was in the wilderness. He told him, “Look at the kingdom of this world, they are all given to me and I can deliver them, they’re all delivered to me and I can give them to whomsoever I will, if you’ll just bow down to me. There’s a condition, if you’ll just succumbed to me and bow down to me and do my will, that means I will give all this to you.”
So who gave all of this people who are unrepented, all of this riches and blessings? Without them knowing, it is Satan Lucifer the devil.
What I am talking about here is the original plan of all of this financial material blessings where the Father, our Almighty Father, the Lord Jesus Christ is the giver, the Lord Jesus Christ the source of it. That is the Father’s original plan.
And I’m so glad as an Appointed Son, I am back into that original plan. Where the source of all my blessings, is the Father Almighty our LORD Jesus CHRIST, where the source of all of this blessings that I’ve received are not coming from the father of darkness, but the Father of Light.
What about religion? These religious entities that have been here before me, they have prospered so much my brothers and sisters. One of the questions asked me was, –Is the prosperity coming from the father of darkness or the Father of light? What can I say?
I say, if they are unrepented also and if they are living in religious deception like changing, twisting, covering up the words of the Father and putting up their own righteousness. Who do you think your blessings come from? It comes from the enemy.
The Father will not bless you when you change His words. The Father will not bless you if you oppose His words. The Father will not bless you, if you contradict His words. They are the words of God and you used them illegally. You used them and then and misrepresent it by twisting them, like the holy one became the holy three.
Like the word that was made flesh, was made tao lamang. He was not really the word made flesh. If you twist His words and then you present to the people, they are still the Father’s words but they are twisted, covered up and then misinterpreted.
Who do you think your blessings came from? It came from the one who twisted it, came from the one who covered it, and it came from the one who changed the words of the Father, and put his righteousness there using you as that religious covering for that deception. That is Satan Lucifer the devil still.
And I can be religious and become rich today without following exactly the Father’s will, as some others did and they have prospered. But what kind of material prosperity is that? Where is it coming from?  It is coming from the father of darkness and I don’t want any part of it.
I am so glad today that I can sleep at night soundly because I know every blessing I have, the source of it, is no other than our Almighty Father the Lord Jesus Christ. And I have committed, dedicated my life to do His will. That’s why whatever things I’ve received from Him, small and great, I thank Him for it. And these blessings abundantly coming from Him is for one purpose only, it is to bless us while we are here, to glorify Him, and then to let the whole world know that the Father is the one orchestrating all of this for His work, using us as His children and also to be able to propagate His righteousness all over the world through the message of the Appointed Son.
He wants us to enjoy life that is abundant and free of the serpent seed. That’s why in John 10:10, He said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

So, this is the difference between the works of Satan Lucifer the devil, the thief, and the Son of God who came, to give life, life more abundantly.
Look at the thief. What is the operation of the thief? What is the operation of Satan Lucifer the devil? Why would he come to steal, to kill and to destroy? Who?
-The Father’s work, the Father’s business on earth, and the Father’s will on earth. That is what he came to steal, that is what he came to kill, that is why he came to destroy. And it shows in this present material world where the works of Satan are manifested and we see them. We see them in the outside world, where his influence is. He makes all of his children be known unto one, fight, that’s why there is World War 1, World War 2 and there is coming probably world war 3. There are wars and rumors of wars everywhere you go. There is fighting and killing. And you see all of this are the orchestration of this enemy of our soul.
But when you meet the son, he doesn’t take your life, he gives you life. That’s why He said, “I come to give you life, life more abundantly.” Praise the Father Almighty. And Deuteronomy 28 is a perfect example of the Father’s will for us and how He wants us to live while we are on this earth today.
There is a thin dividing line between prosperity and poverty here. Where does it lie? It lies in the spirit of obedience and in the spirit of disobedience, depends on the spirit of obedience or disobedience to the Father’s will.
Obedience corresponds to blessings, while disobedience corresponds to curses. So there is a thin line between this because as I said, people also prosper on the other side. We prosper in many times. The testimonies of other people is, ‘You know when I begin serving God, I begin to have problems, I lost my job, this and that.’ You are seeing this other world of disobedience which is the old world and the new world of obedience to the Father’s will.
So where is the source of your blessing coming from? You look at yourself. You try to make an inventory of what you believe. This is very important because you don’t want that in the last days, you will be depending solely on those blessings that you thought were coming from God and then after a while, you stand before Him and He will reject you. He will say, “Who are you? I don’t know you. Not all that say unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but they that do the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
And you thought you are doing God’s will, and you thought that the prosperity coming in your life, in your religion, in your denomination is the sign that God favor’s you and you didn’t know that you have been pushed on the side of destruction by Satan Lucifer the devil, feeding you with all of these without you knowing it. So let us make an inventory of what we have, what we believe, what we are embracing to believe, and what we have embraced to believe. Let us look at this, are they in line with the Fathers words? Are they in line with the Father’s will? If they are not my brothers and sisters, you will fall.
In Revelation chapter 3, where riches and wealth physically devoid of spirituality which is obedience to the Father’s will are nothing but a sham in your physical, material life here on this earth that you cannot depend upon, when it comes to the salvation of your soul.
Revelation 3:17
“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
Because you say I am rich, see? This is physical. You’re living in of physical world, maybe your religious, maybe your denominational, maybe you are referring to your denomination or religion. I would go to that because people who have become rich and they are not religious and they are not denominational, they don’t have any religion or they are not, they don’t call themselves religious, they call themselves secular. You know you can judge them right away that when they die, “Ahaha! You are going to hell” But the thin line of our discernment in judgment, goes to the religious. ‘I’m religious you know that’s why the Father blessed me.’
Let us look at this, if you are religious, and this refers to yourself. Look at the physical and the material wealth that you possess. Let us look at this in the Father’s sight and the Father’s eyes, “Thou sayest that I am rich and increased with goods, and I have need of nothing.” That means, everything I want is there. I’m rich, I’m wealthy, I’m increased with goods. I have need of nothing. So, you are super rich. You are super wealthy in the physical, in the material, but if you’re devoid of spiritual riches because what you are embracing is false doctrine, it is fake doctrine, fake belief, false doctrine, false belief, false, and everything is false because your religion twisted the words of the Father, misrepresented the words of the Father, misinterpreted the words of the Father, what have you?
In the spiritual, this is what happens to you. You don’t know, knowest not thou. You don’t know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. This is your spiritual state. You are rich in the physical and it deceived you because you’re religious or denominational and then in the spiritual, when you die, this is what happens to you. So, I don’t like that, I don’t like to be rich physically, materially and the source of my blessings does not come from God, and in the spirit I am devoid of that spirituality because I don’t have spirit of obedience, because I did not repent, and I did not submit myself to the Father’s will completely and when I die, can I depend upon those things that I have embraced while I was alive? This is very, very scary. I don’t want to face this in judgment and then all of the sudden, my eyes will be opened at that moment and I say, “Everything I have worked for was in vain, everything that I did was thrown to the ground and I thought that I was saved, I thought because I have the greatest religion, I have a wealthy religion, I had all these religion, and I am a rich and wealthy and have need of nothing. I thought these all came from God.”
But when you look at your spirituality, you are poor, you are blind, you are naked, you are wretched, you are miserable, you are blind, you are poor, you are naked in the spirit. You don’t have that righteousness. What will happen to you?  What will your riches do to you?
So here my brothers and sisters, I am teaching you in this financial revolution message that first of all, when we seek first the Kingdom of God, don’t worry about the financial aspect, the abundance of your life, because it will follow, it will come, and the Father will take care of you. And the Father will supply you with all of your needs as long as you keep your mind focus on the spiritual first.
And then when the Father blesses you, decide in your heart, not to change your heart from the love of God to the love of money or to the love of physical and material things. We will only use them to propagate and to advance the Father’s righteousness on earth and the Father’s business on earth. That is all the purpose of it. We will enhance this ministry by means of making it presentable unto the world by this beautiful studio, by our modern equipment in propagating the message of the Appointed Son throughout all the world, this we will do, and the Father will supply all our needs, that is the very reason why we have been blessed by the Father.
So what counts is that, in financial revolution, when you become a Son and a daughter of the Father Almighty, all of these will come into play and then you can rest assured at night when you sleep, you might have wake up the following morning but rest assured, when the source of your blessings comes from Father, the Father with open hands will accept you and say, “Well done my good and faithful Son, well done thou good and faithful son or daughter of the Father Almighty.” Praise the Father.
Aren’t we glad that here, the Father has promised us Deuteronomy 28:1-14, which are the promises of blessings for obedience and curse for disobedience. This is one of the main chapter of why I am here living like I do, and why the Kingdom is prospering as it is throughout all the whole world. It’s all for the glory of the Father Almighty. Praise the Father.
So, giving is the key to blessings. What will we give first? We give our hearts, our mind and soul in obedience to the Father’s will. We’ll give our decision, our dedication. We have decided to dedicate, we have decided to concentrate, and we have decided to give everything to the Father’s Almighty will in obedience to it. We have given ourselves to that. So that is the most that we can give to Him, our lives, our decision. I have decided to dedicate and to give everything for the Father’s will.
So, kingdom citizens are not first of all takers but they are all givers. May the Father bless you for this Manna of Revelation today and we may continue this and don’t forget, you are free to text me, call me, or email me, those numbers are flashed on your screen. In just a little while, we will be sharing your text messages, your emails and whatever questions, and comments you have with our global audience. So the Father bless all of us.

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